
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fish Friday

My family and I watched last week's Top Chef All Stars episode with great gusto. The chefs were in the Bahamas, fishing for their own protein and cooking on the beach with very limited resources. It was all very much like Survivor instead of Top Chef; I expected Jeff Probst to come out of the beach instead of Padma! The winner of this elimination challenge was Mike Isabella. Although I wasn't a great fan of his throughout the season, his method of steaming grouper in banana leaves caught my attention. This is a very common way of cooking fish in the Philippines. 

But I have a side story to tell. Even though I wasn't very fond of Mike Isabella, I follow him on twitter (@MikeIsabellaDC). I decided to tweet him that day after watching the episode. I posed a silly question just to test if he would reply back...

Much to my surprise, he did tweet back! Suddenly, my impression of him changed. Maybe this guy is just being portrayed on TV an arrogant villain. Maybe he is just fulfilling that role for the camera (remember how much we love our reality TV villains like Santino from Project Runway?). Anyway, it was a huge surprise to read that Mike Isabella replied to my tweet. 

Thanks to the inspiration from Top Chef and Mike Isabella's ingenious cooking under pressure, I present you with a new slideshow on How to Steam Fish in Banana Leaves. I had so much fun doing my first slideshow (Royal Bibingka) that I decided to do another one. ENJOY!


  1. How nice to know that you got a reply..sounds like a great way to have your fish.. Blessings, Catherine

  2. A very healthy way to cook a fish indeed! I love anything that's cooked or baked wrapped in banana leaves. Nicely done!

  3. I love the video. So hip! I'm glad you are having fun making them because we enjoy watching them. Keep them coming Malou

  4. This is where French got their inspiration for fish "en papillote":)
    I can imagine how fresh and light it tastes.
    I was not a fan of Mike Isabella, but I guess the guy can cook:) It is nice that he replied to your tweet:)

  5. catherine: I was thrilled to get a tweet back haha. Thanks for droppimg by.
    Hi Lau! Thank you so much for your support you are indeed a good friend haha.
    Thank you Jay. So thrilled to have you back. Thank you
    Taga5ugue that so sweer of you thanks mucho.
    Hi Lana. I know huh? Its the samemethod but different tool. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. YAY another video recipe! I love the flavor & scent banana leaves imparts when cooking with it. Love the mango salsa as well, with lots of bagoong. YUM

  7. Wow that is crazy! I have a love/hate relationship with Mike. I have a feeling they edit the clips to portray him a certain way. Good to know he's a real person underneath it all!

  8. I'm addicted to Top Chef All Stars right now!! Blais is my favorite but it's never know how much is edited to sway the viewers...

  9. Love the clip. It's fun to be on twitter and connect to people that you usually don't have access to :)

  10. Love the Malou, super impress=) Is it complicated to make? I like steamed fish specially cooked in banana leaf, I always remember my Inay in Laguna=)


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