
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend Rhythm

I love Saturdays! And Sundays as well...

Saturdays start the weekend off with a whiff of java coming from the kitchen as the morning rises. My heart skips upon realizing that my husband is up and is busy in my turf- the kitchen.  How my heart dances with the rhythm of the sound of a sizzling pan, running water, the clicking of plates and often times the low tone of my husband's humming.

With the sun peering through the windows I tiptoe to the kitchen and I see the breakfast spread. I just love the idea of him doing the cooking... on weekends, I'm disarmed.

Let me enjoy the moment.

When I see the pile of plates I run away as fast as I can, at least this is what I do in my head... I'm ready to take back the role of chef and get my hubby back to cleaning up my mess. It's at this point where my Saturday rhythm slows down...

But a few weeks ago, I got a letter from Allison, who is promoting Finish Power Gel dish washing detergent and she says:

Hi Malou,

We’d like to challenge you and your readers to wake up to a shinier morning with the Finish Rise and Shine Challenge! Voted Product of the Year, Finish® Quantum® with New Power Gel is Our Best Shine Ever- without having to pre-rinse. Its breakthrough technology activates each cleaning ingredient when it’s needed during the cycle, so all you have to do is sit back and relax.

Although her email was more of a marketing tool, her message stuck with me. I was ready to take the challenge. So remember the tower of plates and pans my husband used this weekend?  All I did was put them in the dishwasher without any rinsing. Normally I would pre-rinse, but this time I just loaded them in the dishwasher like so:

I was a skeptic I tell you, but here's the result:

Let's look again...

It seemed magical.  NO tricks, NO gimmick.  Finish New Power Gel amazingly cleaned the dishes and you are looking at the actual results. 

I danced my Weekend Rhythm again soon after.


Full Disclosure Statement:  I was compensated by Finish for performing the challenge.  


  1. I love those mornings too, and waking up with clean dishes would be a bigger plus!

    1. i just run my dishwasher again and yippee I love it.

  2. whoh! i don't load my dishwasher like this but my boys do. i am now a believer that Finish Rise and Shine works. It is worth buying it for it saves your time and money when you know the product delivers what it advertises. Thank you so much, Malou.

    1. Hi Louise, Great of you to drop by and comment. Thank you! Yes it did work and i'm so thrilled!

  3. Love this post, Malou! Great way to promote the Finish Rise and Shine gel for the dishwasher! At first I was skeptical as, I'm convinced, but still feel weird not rinsing dishes first before loading the dishwasher.

    Such a nice post for your mom for Mother's Day! In your previous post, your fried chicken is so incredibly crunchy, perfectly spiced and droolworthy delicious! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, as well! xo

    1. Hello ELisabeth!
      Great to see you again. It's been awhile. But I'm glad you're here and that you read my past 3 posts hahah. Thanks amiga!

  4. Weekend mornings are so great! That product sounds really interesting - how did it handle water spots? That's what always drives me crazy!

    1. It's like magic John. I don't know how it does. I ran my dishwasher again last night and voila, washing dishes will never drive me crazy anymore :)
      Thanks for dropping by.

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely and relaxing Saturday breakfast! I love when my hubby makes me breakfast though I have to admit, I don't like washing the dishes afterwards. :) Not having a dishwasher doesn't help!


Thank you for stopping by and oh I would be thrilled even more if you could leave a comment... :) Cheers!